Women are the backbone of every society. A nation is strong and effective only if the family system is intact. The women are the strength of every family. Sri Babaji emphasises the need to empower women to be self-made, supporting the family and society, leading to enhanced socio-economic impact.
Sri Babaji’s women empowerment initiative has also resulted in the creation of women’s self-help groups, earning a regular income through hand-made products. Hundreds of women have been empowered with Sewing machines for a sustainable livelihood, working at their homes, at their convenience.
During every event at the ashrams/centres in India and Sri Lanka, underprivileged women from the rural areas are empowered with sewing machines, Cows for farming, braille typewriters, Bicycles, etc.,
If you wish to contribute to support women’s empowerment initiatives, kindly click on this link to donate online now.